Monday, August 11, 2014

Wonderful Day in the Cultural Hall

Monday- August 11, 2014
I served in the Cultural Hall today. I had a couple come in with a daughter about 10 years old.  At first the man was kind of cold until I started giving him the tour of the Cultural Hall.  He was very receptive to what I was saying.  He asked questions and I tried to answer the best I knew.  He asked when the Messiah Temple was Dedicated.  I didn't know but I have found out now, it was Oct. 1927. He really was interested to reading any pamphlets or information I had.  I told him I would put his name on a card and someone could come and teach him more about the Gospel but the women was leaving as fast as she could.  She has been here before and has been in the Nauvoo Temple before it was dedicated.  So he took the card with him to fill out and send it in so the Missionaries could teach him more about the Gospel but I could tell that the lady would talk him out of it when he got outside.  The little girl I believe was his because she hugged him a lot.  The couple wasn't married he was from Des Moines, Iowa and she was from Burlington, Iowa. I felt bad I didn't have the Prophet's Pamphlet at the Cultural Hall to give him, to learn more about the Prophet.   I will get some now and keep there. I am the Site Leader of the Cultural Hall so I am there twice a week. I just love this site, it has a special feeling up stairs on the third floor and I know that others can feel that special feeling dancing on the original dance floor, Awesome!! I hope and pray that he will fill out the card...

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