Today we decided that three of us couples would drive to Springville, Illinois and go see Abraham Lincoln's Museum and his Tomb. Elder & Sister Scott went with us in our car and Elder & Sister Broadbent went in their own car because his wife gets sick if she has to seat any where but the front seat of the car. She deals with a bad back also so they took their own car even if we could have fit them in our car since our car is the largest car. It took us about three hours to drive to Springville. It was a special trip since it was just before the 4th of July, 2014. It was a patriotic trip. Abe's Museum is the most amazing Museum I have ever seen. We had tears in our eyes as we walked around and saw how the News Paper Articles treated him. I had no idea that they didn't like him until he was killed. The articles were not kind at all. Here are some pictures of what we saw when we found the building.
Elder and Sister Harris with Abraham Lincoln and his family at the Museum. This is inside the Museum.
The picture to the right is:
Left- E/S Harris, back- E/S Scott and E/S Broadbent to the right.
E/S Broadbent above-
We first went and watched the movie, boy that was awesome!!
After the movie we went through the Lincoln Cabin where Abe grew up.
Elder Harris standing by Lincoln's Cabin.
This is the front of the Cabin.
Elder Harris in front of the White House!!
These are in front of the White House.
Elder & Sister Harris with the Union Soldiers.
Just before we were leaving this lady said you will want to see this really neat program in the library. It is going to start right now, hurry you will be happy you saw it. She was so right, it was awesome how a man comes out in a library talking about books and stories. Then somehow he disappears it was amazing how they did it, really good.
This was at the beginning as we walked in but I didn't notice it until we left. It was sure worth coming too and very special since tomorrow would be 4th of July 2014.
Here are some pictures of buildings outside.
This was a lawyers building or a court house. Elder & Sister Harris
Elder Harris has been apart time Judge so we thought it was appropriate he stood in front of this building.
We drove past this old building so I took a picture from the car. It is so cool!!After we drove to Abraham Lincoln's Tomb in Springville, Illinois.
It was very special to go to such a awesome place. Here are some pictures as we entered the sacrad place.
We drove around and parked and walked up to the Monument. We did get to go inside it was very referent as we walked through the tomb of Abraham Lincoln's place were he lies and some of his children and wife. Here are the pictures in front and inside.
Here is the Final Resting Place!!!
Sister & Elder Harris rubbing Abe's nose for good luck!!
Elder and Sister Scott robbing the nose of Abe for good luck.
Sister Harris showing the first thing you see at the entrance.
As you walk through the hall to the Tomb you see these Statures.
Here is the Tomb!!!! They have real flowers all the time to honor Abraham Lincoln.
This is to prove I was there. It was wonderful to show our respect as we were reverent.
The wife and Three children's names are on the wall opposite this Monument.
This son was buried in National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia. This is the last son that died and he put his mother in a Mental Institution after Abraham Lincoln was killed.
This is what it looked like as we left with more Statures.
Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1861
After we left and was on the road again driving to Quincy, Illinois to eat at The Pier.
This is a good Restaurant but has a flood all the way around it right now. The Mississippi River is flooding everywhere. They put a ramp from the sidewalk up to the front door because we can't us the stairs. This is such a cool picture. The parking area is under the ramp where the water has flooded.
Here is the ramp that we are walking up to the front door. E/S Scott are leading Elder & Sister Harris to the front door but are the last ones inside. E/S Broadbent are inside at the moment.
Here is another picture around the Restaurant where the flooding is. The Mississippi River is just right there and so it floods over around the Restaurant.In this picture you can see all the water to where people used to walk up the stairs but they can't now.
Here is Elder & Sister Broardbent are walking up the ramp to The Pier Restaurant. It was really cool how the water was all around the building.
Here are the rest of us going up the ramp.
This was a cool fish that was on the wall as we sat at the table. Isn't this the prettiest fish, my favorite color is blue so I just loved it.
I tried to take some pictures of us but with poor lighting we were all to dark. The Pier Restaurant really was a nice place to eat.
This is what we saw as we walked outside the front door where usually cars are parked but because of the flood we parked straight ahead in another parking spot. As you look ahead it is a beautiful park built by the 75,000.00 dollars that President Gordon B. Hinckley from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints gave to Quincy because they helped the saints so much when they were chased out of Missouri. Their were about 1800 Quincy people and 5500 Latter-Day Saints that came across the Mississippi River as they were running from the mobs. The Quincy people were so kind they literally saved many lives as they took the Mormons into their homes. Quincy built this beautiful park on the Mississippi River and here are some pictures of the park.
This is a beautiful fountain in the middle of the park. Elder Harris talking to a family that turns out to be Mormons that lived in Quincy.
Here are some pictures of two bridges that go across the Mississippi River to Quincy from the park.
This is a place where you can have picnic and enjoy your family on the park in Quincy.
We have had a wonderful uplifting day this July 3rd, 2014.
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