It was such a surprise when we saw Lou Mueller and her husband Phil that evening. They were on a Tour Bus seeing the Historical Sites. They came to our Rendezvous in Old Nauvoo and we played Jed and Anne in it. Lou took pictures of us and put it on Face Book. Here are some pictures we took on Thursday May 8th.
Phil and Lou are at the Joseph Smith Burial Place.
Phil & Lou Mueller
Lou Mueller doesn't she look Beautiful in the Tulips in the Women's Garden!!!
Special Moments!!
What a cute picture of Lou looking up at the Statures.
These are beautiful Women Statures in the Women's Garden.
Lou is standing in front of the Relief Society Stature in the Women's Garden.
Here are the beautiful Tulips in the Women's Garden
and other flowering plants.
We are at Joseph & Hyrum Smith's Parents burial spot.
These are the Three Tomb Stones that Hyrum, Joseph, and Emma Smith are buried.
Community of Christ owns the land where the three are buried in Nauvoo.
It is very special to stand on Holy Ground. Here is a beautiful flowering tree right by the graves that we walked past as we walked to the car.
Here Lou is walking over to look at the size of the Wagons the Pioneers used. They are not as big as you would think they would have used. There is such a special feeling to walk the streets in Nauvoo.
We love our Mission here and really enjoyed having Phil and Lou Mueller visit us in Nauvoo.
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