Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day Week-end- May 30th 2016

Monday- May 30, 2016

James Joseph Harris was the speaker in the annual Memorial Day Service at the Blanding Cementery on May 30th.  He is a veteran who fought and was wounded in the Vietnam Conflict.  Jim told some touching stories about relatives that lost their lives in one war or another.  He told about his cousin Lyle Palmer and he was killed one night before coming home.  Jim was wounded and was home to speak in Lyle's funeral.  As I listened to Jim it made me realize that I might not have had my husband or my children if he was killed in Vietnam.  O! I feel so blessed that the Lord protected Jim at war and returned him to me.  I know that I have to do what ever I can to build the Lord's kingdom for what he has done for me.   I know we are preordained to do certain things so I guess Jim is to be here on earth to accomplish them.  He is such a wonderful husband and I feel very blessed to be his wife.
                                                   This is the flag ceremony!

Jim Harris giving his talk.  Quite a few people there at 7:00 am but it was a beautiful cool morning.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

An Own Endowment

Saturday- 28 May 2016

Theresa Jean George came and received her Own Endowment this day. It is always so special to give the special instructions to these special youth that come to the Monticello Utah Temple. She would be in the 1:00 pm session.  It is an honor to help these youth understand how important it is to wear their garments night and day  and to be so happy to receive their endowment.  I pray often to be worthy to do this calling and to have the spirit with me at all times.  I love the spirit in the temple.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Moab Stake Conference

 Sunday 15 May 2016

Well today is a special day to me since it is my 71st. Birthday.  Boy! time really flies when your having fun.  Jim and I are driving to Moab to speak in their Stake Conference at 10:00 am.   It was like going home since there are a lot of Moab people that work in the Monticello Utah Temple.  President Stubb's had invited President and Sister Livingston to talk at his Stake Conference but he told him to call President and Sister Harris to speak since he was already speaking in the Blanding Conference May 15, 2016.  It was wonderful to meet President Stubb's and his councilors and when we left they had made us sack lunches so we stopped at the Moab Rest Area and it was a peaceful  beautiful warm day and the red rocks were beautiful to enjoy as we ate our lunches.  We felt very good about our talks or at least I did.  We had people tell us that they really enjoyed hearing our messages about the temple.  I always feel that President Jim Harris is the best speaker and is so talented in giving talks.  I have to tell you though they had the best choir ever.  The older Primary children and youth sang  three songs as the prelude music and the spirit was so strong in that building.  The Primary children had all their songs memorized and knew every word to the songs.
The youth sang just behind us and boy they had beautiful voices.  I was so amazed that they all sang out and confident with the music.  The leader said she had dreamed what songs they should sing and it was amazing!! The whole conference was amazing!! What a spiritual day it was, it was a great Birthday Gift!!

After we left I got a text from Loni telling who was the New Blanding Stake President.  It is President Alon Pugh, first councilor- Steve Black, second councilor- Trevor Olsen.  Boy, this is a young Presidency but I know they will be great in their callings.  I guess they have their work cut out for them because they have to find a Bishop for the 2nd Ward and 8th Ward.  President Pugh is the happiest man I know and makes everyone feel they are loved.  All three men will be so good they are kind and caring men.

Later that night Jim, Beverly and Bradley went over to J.B. and Loni's home for my Birthday Cake and Ice cream.  Loni had made German Chocolate Cake and made them into waffles with Ice cream and then a coconut topping and it did taste just like a German Chocolate Cake with the coconut frosting.  I had two pieces they tasted so good she is a wonderful cook.  Later on I spoke with Jed, Spencer, Kim, Darla,  text from Tami and received many Facebook Texts from family and Nauvoo friends and friends.  Kisti-Jo sent me a text the next day . It was a wonderful day even though I don't feel as old as I am.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Jim's 3rd Temple Marriage/Sealing

Saturday- 14 May 2016

 Today was a very busy day we had four people that came to receive their own Endowment and Jim was ask by Kelli Myers to seal her and her husband in the Monticello Utah Temple on May 14, 2016.   It was a beautiful sealing and President Jim Harris always does a great job.  They were a beautiful couple with the glow of love in their eyes.  It is such a special experience when we know one of the couples because we worked with Kelli in the Blanding Single Young Adult Branch,   We felt so honored she ask President Jim Harris to do the honors what a special day for us.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Kelli Anne Meyer's own Endowment

Saturday- 7 May 2016

One of our Young Single Adult, Kelli Anne Meyer's came to receive her own Endowment at 1:00 pm.  It was great to be with her and do her instructions about wearing the garments and taking care and mending them.  She is a wonderful young women and it was a special spiritual time with her and her mother.  I just love it when I get to give the instructions and feel the spirit so strong in the temple. It was great to meet her husband to be.  They will be sealed in the temple one week later.