Tuesday - 5 April 2016
The schools are out up North for Spring Vacation so the Monticello Temple is going to be busy this week. The Tuesday Am shift is the shift that we work on today. We had Baptisms three different families in the morning and about 7 different families in the afternoon. I was talking with one of the families, it was a mother with two or three of her daughters here from up north to do Baptisms. She told me that her older daughter had cancer and had a goal to go to every Utah Temples before she died. They had her funeral last week and the mother and daughters were here in her honor because this was the only temple she hadn't gotten too. She had met her goal now and as her mother talked she was a strong women, she didn't even cry but I did. What a tender moment that was and it truly strengthens my testimony of the special times we have in the temple. The spirit of love is there and very strong I'm sure her daughter was there with them. In the temple you are nearer to God than any other place you could be. I truly feel blessed to serve in the house of the Lord.
We are on a very busy schedule working 4 days in a row then we have Saturday off. We work Tuesday and Wednesday AM shifts then Thursday and Friday PM shifts. It is nice to have a three day week-end off but at the end of this month April we go back on our 1st shift. We work Tuesday PM, Wednesday off but go to presidency meeting at 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM then off. We work Thursday AM then have Friday off then we work Saturday Am shift which is always a busy time. We work until 1:00 then we are off. I really like this shift because we have a few days we can do other things to get done such as farming.