Thursday- July 30, 2015
I was up north tending Kisti's children when Jim called and said on Tuesday July 28th that Elder Robbins Secretary had called and wanted to set up a time that Elder Robbins of the Seventies could talk to us. They would call on Thursday and we would be on a three party line because Elder Robbins wanted to talk to both of us together. Jim was working at home in Blanding so we wanted on this day for the phone call. Jim and I had decided before the call that they were going to call Jim to be a Councilor in the Presidency of the Monticello Temple, we knew they were choosing councilors at this time.
We did received a call from Elder Robbins of the Seventies Thursday July 30th and they called Jim to be the 2nd Councilor in the Monticello Temple and me to be Assistant to the Matron which is the Presidents wife, Sister Layne Livingston for three years. The 2nd Councilor is over the maintenance of the temple. He said we were called because of our worthiness to the Lord and we felt very honored to be ask to serve in the Monticello Temple with President Tom Livingston and his wife. We had worked in the baptistery in the Monticello Temple with this couple years ago and dearly loved them. We are very excited and a little nervous. We do serve in the Temple on Thursday AM shift as ordinance workers and love it. Once again I can see the Lords work in all things. Things that happened on our Nauvoo Mission prepared us for this calling. At one time I thought Jim was going to be called a councilor in the Mission Presidency but we would be going home in two months and President Gibbons wanted a councilor with him for a lot more months than two months. I had the strongest feeling that he was to be a councilor little did I know it would be in the Monticello Temple. I feel very humble in this calling and just want to be close to my Heavenly Father so I will do things right in His Holy House. We have three month's to visit family and do everything we need to do before we start November 1, 2015. It is scary because they ask the Temple Presidency to talk in Stake Conferences at times. We have a lot to learn but I know with the Lords help we can do this.
The Beautiful Monticello Utah Temple!